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E-Bill Frequently Asked Questions



1.      What is E-Bill?


E-Bill is a complete PC-based Internet billing and payment solution.

·        Bills are electronically created – no more paper

·        Electronic bills are delivered over the Internet – no more postage

·        Electronic payments are generated – no more writing checks

·        Safe and secure Web Site



2.      Where do I enroll?


If you want to use the CheckFree E-bills website, go to https://mybills.com/ebill/WBP/logon and follow the instructions.  You can also sign-up using another front-end such as Yahoo or Excite.  It should have a pull-down menu to walk you through the process, or call that front-end’s customer service number.  Go to www.checkfree.com/ebill/sponsorListFull/ to see CheckFree’s electronic billing and payment providers.  To make signing up easier, have the following handy:


·        A recent water bill.  Most of the information needed will be on your water bill.

·        Bank account number from which your payments will be deducted.

·        E-Mail address


3.      How much will this program cost me?


E-Bill is FREE when you pay your bill through the CheckFree E-Bill web site, https://mybills.com/ebill/WBP/logon You may also pay your water bill and other bills through online banking and other sites such as Yahoo, MSN, Excite or Quicken.  However, there may be a charge for these services.


4.      Why is the Department of Water doing E-Bill?


Electronic billing is a customer service initiative, which enables the Board to leverage the use of the Internet to enhance customer service.  It also reduces costs associated with printing and mailing a bill and processing payments.  For our customers, the primary advantage is convenience, including ease of access and control. 


5.      Why should I choose E-Bill over writing a check or automatic bill payment?


Electronic billing and payment enables you to save money and time on check writing and postage.  With the click of a button, you control who, when and how much to pay.  You may schedule a one-time payment or recurring payments.


6.      Will my financial privacy be protected?


To ensure your privacy and security, CheckFree uses the strongest type of encryption used on the Web, which is a 128-bit SSL (secured sockets layer).


7.      How soon will my E-Bill transaction be processed to the Department of Water?


Your payment will be deducted from your checking account and deposited into BWS’ account on the date that you specify.  However, CheckFree requires 4 business days in advance to make your payment.  For example, if you have a payment due on June 15, 2000, you need to schedule payment no later than June 8, 2000.


8.      Are other utilities in Hawaii using an E-Bill program?


HECO, as well as the Honolulu Board of Water Supply is using CheckFree’s E-Bill program.


9.      Has anyone gotten ripped off from stolen financial information gathered from E-Bill?


None to our knowledge.


10.  Who is the vendor for E-Bill?


The vendor for E-Bill is CheckFree Services Corporation.


11.  Is the E-Bill vendor reputable?


CheckFree is the nation’s leading provider of financial electronic commerce services.  Its services enables three million customers to receive and pay bills over the Internet or electronically.  CheckFree was founded as an electronic payments processor in 1981 and launched the first fully integrated electronic billing and payment solution in 1997.


12.  Will E-Bill prevent my water from being shut off?


No, E-Bill customers are subject to the same payment policies as all of our other customers.


13.  Can I use anyone’s PC or my office PC to participate in E-Bill?


Yes, you can use any PC as well as your office PC to participate in E-Bill, as long as you sign in your own user name and password and are able to access the Internet.


14.  Will E-Bill save me money on my water bill?


You won’t be able to save money on your water bill, but you will save on checks and postage.


15.  What happens if there is a mistake made on E-Bill?


You should contact CheckFree’s Web Support Team for assistance.  They are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  If you want to cancel or stop a payment which is “in process”, you must call CheckFree’s Customer Service Department at 888-212-9342.


16.  Who do I call if I have questions or a complaint on the E-Bill presented?


If you have a specific question on your bill or account, contact our Customer Service Division at 532-6500.  If you think there is an error or have questions about your transactions, you should telephone CheckFree at 888-212-9342 during normal customer service hours.


17.  What happens if my E-Bill payment bounces?


Your payment will be reversed and you will receive a new bill for the amount of the payment plus a $20 returned check fee.


18.  Do I have to be named as the service holder to participate in E-Bill?


No. You just need to know the account number for the water bill you are paying.


19.  Is E-Bill better than ABP?


That depends on what is important to you.  With E-Bill, you choose when and how much you wish to pay.  With ABP, your payment deduction is about 2 weeks after the bill date and the full amount of the bill is deducted at that time.



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