Rates and Charges
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Rates and Charges



1.     Restoration of Water Service.  If a consumer's water service is turned off for failure to pay a bill, for violation of any of the provisions of these rules and regulations, or for other reasons, all outstanding accounts against said consumer plus the charge for reopening, reinstallation or reconnection, must be paid before water service is restored.  Said charges shall be as established by the Department.


2.   Fire Hydrant and Other Temporary Meters.  In addition to regular meter service charge and water consumption charge, there shall be installation, removal, testing and user charges for all Fire Hydrant and other temporary meters as established by the Department. 



3.   Cost of Power Adjustment

All water consumption (for general use, agriculture use and ships) shall be subject to the imposition of a Cost of Power Adjustment as part of all water consumption charges. 


As part of the Department’s annual budget review process, the Department will review the actual unit costs of power for each twelve month period ending March 31st.  At this time, the power cost adjustment for the upcoming fiscal year will be calculated as the sum of the following two components: (1) the difference (plus or minus) between budgeted unit power costs for the upcoming fiscal year and the anticipated unit power costs shown in Schedule A below, and (2) the difference (plus or minus) between the actual unit power costs incurred during the twelve-month period ending March 31st as previously described and the anticipated unit power costs effective during the same twelve month periods as shown in Schedule A below.  The sum of these two components, calculated on a dollars per thousand gallons basis, will be applied to all water consumption charges.


Any power cost adjustments will be implemented on July 1st of each year.


Schedule A

Anticipated Unit Power Costs


Implementation Date

Anticipated Unit Power Cost (per 1,000 gallons)1

July 1, 2001 $ 0.40
July 1, 2002 $ 0.41
July 1, 2003 $ 0.43
July 1, 2004 $ 0.44
July 1, 2005 $ 0.45
1   Projections based on November 2000 power cost assumptions.





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