Rates and Charges
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Rates and Charges




1.  For each vessel served, there shall be both an opening charge and a closing charge as follows:


A. Opening Charge:

1. During regular field working hours                $42.00


2. Other than regular working hours, 
    Saturdays, Sundays or holidays                    $98.00


B. Closing Charge:

1. During regular field working hours                $42.00

2. Other than regular working hours,

    Saturdays, Sundays or holidays                    $98.00



2. In addition thereto, for all water drawn, there shall be charged $2.40 per thousand gallons plus the Department of Transportation's wharfage fee (presently $0.32 per thousand gallons); and effective July 1, 2003, a $3.20 per thousand gallons plus the Department of Transportation's wharfage fee (presently $0.32 per thousand gallons);  

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