Water Quality Report

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Water Quality Report

This report by the Kaua`i Department of Water describes the quality of your drinking water, and where it comes from.  The Safe Drinking Water Act, a federal law, requires water utilities to provide water quality information to its customers every year.


Providing safe drinking water is a complex business, but you and your neighbors have a right to know the results of our water quality monitoring. Safe drinking water is essential to our community. Your water is tested regularly through our certified laboratories and the State Department of Health.


In summary, our drinking water meets, or is better than, state and federal standards. We spend in excess  of $200,000 each year to assure the safety of your water.


We welcome your interest in the Department of Water’s water system. Please refer to the directory in this publication for the Department’s phone numbers. Also, the Water Board normally meets on the third Wednesday of each month, and their meetings are open to the public. Please call us for the time, date and location.


Thomas Tokioka                                                             

Chairperson, Board of Water Supply


Ernest Y.W. Lau

Manager and Chief Engineer

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