Rates and Charges
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Rates and Charges


1.         Service Charge.  For each service there shall be a charge per month based on the size of the meter, or its service capacity equivalence in the case of parallel meters, as follows:  

         Meter Size    Amount

      5 / 8"       $    9.00

                   3 / 4"      $  12.00

                     1"      $  18.00

                  1-1/2"      $  35.00

                       2"      $  55.00

                       3"      $100.00

                       4"      $165.00

                       6"      $325.50

                       8"      $520.00


2.         Use Charge.  In addition thereto, for all water drawn, there shall be a Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons as follows:


                                                            Effective July 1, 2001             Effective July 1, 2003


            First Block                                   $            2.10                              $            2.76

            Second Block                             $            2.40                              $            3.20

            Third Block                                 $            3.40                              $            4.50



            The First, Second and Third Block Thresholds varies with the size of the meter and are as follows:


                                    First Rate Block                         Second Rate Block                  Third Rate Block

            Meter Size          (gallons) used                              (gallons) used                        (gallons) used

            (inches)                 bi-monthly                                   bi-monthly                             bi-monthly


                   5/8”            First        20,000                      20,001               40,000              over        40,000

                    ¾”             First        70,000                      70,001             140,000              over      140,000

                     1”             First      200,000                     200,001            400,000              over      400,000

                  1 ½”            First      600,000                     600,001         1,200,000              over   1,200,000

                     2”             First   1,200,000                  1,200,001         2,400,000              over   2,400,000

                     3”             First   3,000,000                  3,000,001         6,000,000              over   6,000,000

                     4”             First   6,000,000                  6,000,001        12,000,000             over 12,000,000

                     6”             First 15,000,000                15,000,001        30,000,000             over 30,000,000

                     8”             First 30,000,000                30,000,001        60,000,000             over 60,000,000


3.         Wharfage Fee. Where applicable, the Department of Transportation's wharfage fee shall be charged in addition to the above use and service charges.  


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