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Current Operations

Kauai’s  Department of Water operates 13 separate, unconnected water systems spread out along our island from Kekaha to Haena.  Pumping water from 48 underground wells and tunnels and storing it in 43 tanks, DOW delivers water to nearly 18,000 accounts through 400 miles of pipeline.  Many of the water systems date back to the plantation era, and some pipelines are 80-100 years old.  

All functions necessary to collect, treat, and distribute potable water from the source to the tap are performed by the Department's staff of 70, as well as most support functions, including accounting, billing, customer service, engineering, planning and procurement.  The Department operates as a semi-autonomous enterprise department of the County of Kauai, under the direction of the Board of Water Supply.  The Department derives all of its revenue from water sales with no direct subsidy from, or contributions to the County General Fund.


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