Water Board
        Calendar & Agendas


     Organization Chart


     Rules & Regulations
             Part I
             Part II
             Part III
                Section 1
                Section 2-3
                Section 4-5
                Section 6-7
                Section 8-9
                Section 10-12
                Section 13
                Section 14-16
             Part IV



























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PART 3 - Section 8 - 9



within the County of Kauai

and Providing Penalties for the Violations Thereof







1.            Service Connections.  Where water main construction is necessary, the subdivider shall provide each lot in a subdivision with a service connection from the water main to the property line adjacent to the lot or as directed by the Department’s engineer.  As an alternate, one service connection may be installed for each two lots.


Where the lots to be created front along an existing water main, a service connections as required above shall be paid for by the subdivider and installed by the Board, except that the service connection installation may be deferred and paid for by the consumer at the time the request for water service is made for agricultural lots and other subdivisions for which the Department determines that it is impractical to require such installations prior to the request for water service.


2.         Dead-Ends.  Where water mains proposed by a subdivider would result in dead-ends, the subdivider shall correct the condition by the installation of such interconnections as may be required by the Board.


3.            Alterations to Public Water System.  All work and materials in connection with the change in location or grade of any part of the existing public water system made necessary by the subdivision shall be at the expense of the subdivider.


4.            Contours.  When required by the Board, contours or elevations shall be furnished by the subdivider, based upon mean sea level.








1.            Preparation of Plans.  All construction plans shall be prepared by a registered engineer to the extent of his professional qualifications under the laws of the State.  Preliminary maps and final maps of subdivisions to be reviewed by the Department shall fully conform to the definitions and requirements of the Rules and Regulations of the Commission.


2.            Information to the be shown on Construction Plans.  The construction plans, insofar as the water system is concerned, shall show the following on County of Kauai standard size sheet or sheets:


            a.            Name of subdivision, name of subdivider, name of engineer and location of subdivision.



b.            Date, north arrow, scale, tax key.


c.         The proposed subdivision water system complete, in both plan and profile, and its inter-relationship with street lines, lot lines, curb grades, sewers and drains, both existing and proposed, as well as any other features natural or artificial necessary for a complete understanding of the water system design.


d.         Plan and profile views drawn to a scale of one inch equals 40 feet and one inch equals 5 feet, respectively, or as approved by the Department.  Manhole, fire hydrant, lateral and other details drawn to a scale of one-half equals one foot or larger.


e.         The designation, including alignment and width, of all easements for parts of the water system which will not be in street areas to be dedicated to the public.


f.          A general layout map showing the locations of lots and streets within the subdivision and its near vicinity together with existing and proposed water system.


g.         A small key location inset or vicinity map showing the proposed subdivision in relationship to streets and water mains in the area.


h.         In cases in which the owner or subdivider also owns areas contiguous to the proposed subdivision, or separated therefrom by a street, a sketch of the future street and lot pattern and the water system proposed to serve such contiguous areas shall be furnished for study with the construction plans.



3.            Elevation Agreement.  Whenever a lot or lots within a subdivision are at such an elevation that they cannot be assured of a dependable water supply, the approval of the construction drawings will be subject to each owner of such lot or lots signing an “elevation agreement” whereby such lot owner agrees to accept such water service as the Department is able to render, and such owner agrees to construct, if necessary, and maintain at his expense, a tank or a pump with a tank, all in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Department, of sufficient capacity to furnish a supply of water at such times as the pressure in the water mains may be insufficient to supply such lot or lots with water.  When required, a statement as to this conditional approval will be clearly lettered on the subdivision map.



4.            Approval of Plans.  No construction of a subdivision water system, or any portions thereof, shall be undertaken prior to approval of the final construction plans by the Manager and Chief Engineer, the Director, the County Engineer of the Department of Public Works, and the State Department of Health.  After said approval, the subdivider shall transmit four sets of all final construction plans to the Manager and Chief Engineer.


In areas where there is no public water supply available to serve the subdivision, plans and specifications for the development of water sources, including wells, tunnels, shafts, pumps, buildings, mains and other appurtenances structures and devices, shall be in conformance with the standards of the Department and shall be approved by the Department in their entirety prior to the construction.


5.         Delays in Construction.  If any period exceeding one year or such extension as may be granted passes without substantial progress in the construction of the water facilities, after approval of plans by the Department, the plans thereof shall be resubmitted to the Department for review and for making such changes as it deems proper because of changed conditions or revision of standards.  



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