Water Board
        Calendar & Agendas


     Organization Chart


     Rules & Regulations
             Part I
             Part II
             Part III
                Section 1
                Section 2-3
                Section 4-5
                Section 6-7
                Section 8-9
                Section 10-12
                Section 13
                Section 14-16
             Part IV

















































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PART 3 - Section 14 - 16



within the County of Kauai

and Providing Penalties for the Violations Thereof






1.            Purpose. The purpose of this section is to assist families who wish to transfer interests in real property between themselves without immediately complying with Departmental rules and construction standards and specifications imposed when family members request subdivision approval.


2.            Definitions. As used within this section:

            “Development” includes, but is not limited to:


(1)        the construction, reconstruction, alteration, remodeling, renovation, or repairing of single-family residences, additional dwelling units, or any other dwelling, building, or structure of any kind on or within the property being subdivided, or

(2)        the construction of additions or extensions to any dwelling, structure, or building existing as of the date of this agreement, or


(3)        the construction, reconstruction, installation, alteration, or repair of piping, waste-water systems, landscaping or irrigation systems.


which result in increased fire protection requirements arising because of the property’s development, increased consumption of water upon the property being subdivided, calculated from the date of the agreement described in this section, or which may, in the Department’s judgment, possibly contaminate existing potable water-well sources located in the vicinity of the property being subdivided.


“Hanai child” means a person for whom an adult once provided food, nourishment, and support for a minimum period of at least one year prior to the time that the applicant applied for subdivision approval and who is generally acknowledged as the adult’s child among friends, relatives, and the community.


“H.R.S” means Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended.


“Non-development agreement” means the agreement required to be executed under this section.


“Rule” or “Rules” mean the Rules and Regulations of the County of Kauai Department of Water.


“Water System Facilities” means all water infrastructure of the Department determines to be necessary to provide adequate residential water service and fire protection for the property being subdivided and shall include, but not be limited to, any and all necessary wells, pumps, storage tanks, water transmission and distribution lines and related meters, valves, and other water system improvements and equipment.


3.            Authorization to defer subdivision improvements under certain terms and conditions. The Manager and Chief Engineer may approve requests for subdivision approval and temporarily defer subdivision requirements imposed by the Department’s rules and construction and specifications for the sole and limited purpose of allowing a subdivision applicant to transfer interests in real property from the applicant to others, provided the applicant satisfies or complies with the following conditions:


a.         Property interests may be transferred only between: natural persons who are related to the applicant by birth, blood, adoption, marriage, or prior marriage. Eligible transferees are limited to:







            Hanai children,


            Brothers, and



The preceding list of terms shall be understood according to their most widely-known and usual significance, without attending so much to the literal and strictly grammatical construction as to their general, ordinary, or popular use or meaning.


b.         The Manager and Chief Engineer shall not approve subdivision requests under this section if development will occur as a result of the subdivision.


c.         With respect to the property being subdivided, the Department shall not approve further subdivision requests, requests for water service when apartments within the property have been created pursuant to Chapter 514A, H.R.S., or development of any kind, unless and until adequate water system facilities, as may be determined by the Department when development occurs, are constructed, in place and complete, to provide adequate residential water service and fire protection for the property being subdivided.


d.         The Department shall not approve residential building permits for any property which is subject to a non-development agreement unless adequate water-system facilities are constructed pursuant to subparagraph 3.c. of this section.


If the Department erroneously or inadvertently approves a building permit before necessary water-system facilities are constructed, the Department shall, upon learning of its action, immediately rescind its approval.


e.         If, before necessary water-system facilities are constructed to service the property being subdivided, the Department erroneously or inadvertently approves the issuance of a building permit for any development within the subdivision and development occurs, the developer shall either construct the necessary water-system facilities or remove the development at the developer’s own cost and expense.


Should the Department be required to enforce the provisions of this subparagraph through civil court action, the developer shall pay to the Department and be jointly and severally liable for any and all attorneys’ fees, court costs, and other related fees, costs, and expenses necessary to prosecute and defend such an action.


f.          The subdivision applicant and all persons to whom an interest in the property may be transferred shall release the Department of any and all liability arising from the Department’s decision to recommend subdivision approval under this section.


The applicant and all persons to whom an interest in the property may be transferred shall also forever indemnify, defend, save, and hold harmless the Department from and against any and all injury to persons and damage to property, deaths, claims, fines, suits, actions, economic and non-economic damages, costs, losses, and liabilities of every nature and kind arising or growing out of the Department’s decision to recommend subdivision approval of the applicant’s property under this section.


g.         The provisions of this section shall be implemented through an agreement executed between 1) the Manager and Chief Engineer, and 2) the subdivision applicant and all persons to whom an interest in the property may be transferred. The agreement shall contain terms and conditions determined to be necessary by the Manager and Chief Engineer and the County Attorney. The covenants and servitudes created by the agreement shall constitute covenants which shall run with the land and constitute notice to all who may claim an interest in the property being subdivided.


Any subdivision approval granted under this section shall be null, void, and of no legal effect unless 1) the Department receives a non-development agreement containing original signatures executed by all of the parties to the agreement, and 2) the agreement has been recorded in the State of Hawaii Land Court or Bureau of Conveyances.


h.         The documents conveying title or an interest in real property shall specifically incorporate by reference the non-development agreement. Further, the agreement shall be attached to the conveyance documents as an exhibit.


i.          The final subdivision map shall contain a brief and concise statement stating that the lots created by the subdivision are subject to a non-development agreement. The statement shall further summarize the major terms and conditions of the agreement.


4.            Applicability. This section shall apply only to subdivisions served by County water systems, and not to private water systems not served by the County.


5.         Fees, Charges, and costs under this section. Notwithstanding any other section or provision in the Rules to the contrary including, but not limited to, Paragraph 1, Section III, Part 3 of the Rules, any and all applicable Departmental fees, charges, and costs, including facilities reserve charges, shall be paid at such future time that development occurs at the amount in effect at the time that development occurs, and not at the time that the non-development agreement is entered into by the County.


6.            Changed development conditions. The applicant or subsequent transferees of the applicant shall be responsible for checking with the Department and determining whether water infrastructure development requirements have so changed such that necessary water-system facilities no longer need to be constructed. The Department shall not be responsible for informing the applicant or subsequent transferees of the applicant of such changed development conditions.”  






If any rule, section, sentence, clause, or phrase of these rules and regulations or its application to any person or circumstance or property is held to be unconstitutional or invalid, the remaining portions of these rules and regulations or the application of these rules and regulations to other persons or circumstances or property shall not be affected.  The Department hereby declares that it would have adopted these rules and regulations and each and every rule, section, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more other rules, sections, sentences, clauses, or phrases be declared unconstitutional or invalid.






Any person, firm or corporation which violates any rule or regulation herein shall be fined not more than $500.00, except that in cases where the offense shall be of a continuing nature, each day’s continuance of the same, shall constitute a separate offense.





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