Water Board
        Calendar & Agendas


     Organization Chart


     Rules & Regulations
             Part I
             Part II
             Part III
                Section 1
                Section 2-3
                Section 4-5
                Section 6-7
                Section 8-9
                Section 10-12
                Section 13
                Section 14-16
             Part IV
             PDF Format











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PART 3 - Section 1



within the County of Kauai

and Providing Penalties for the Violations Thereof




For the purpose of these rules and regulations, unless it is plainly evident from the context that a different meaning is intended, certain words and phrases used herein are defined as follows.


1.         The word “DEPARTMENT” shall mean the Department of Water, County of Kauai, consisting of a board of water supply, a manager and chief engineer and the necessary staff.


2.         The word “BOARD” shall mean the Board of Water Supply of the Department.


3.         The term “MANAGER AND CHIEF ENGINEER” shall mean the person holding the office of Manager and Chief Engineer of the Department.


4.         The word “SUBDIVIDER” shall mean a person, firm, corporation, partnership, association, trust or other legal entity, or a combination of any thereof who or which causes land to be divided into a subdivision for himself, itself or for others.


5.         The word “SUBDIVISION” shall mean improved or unimproved land or lands divided or proposed to be divided into two or more lots, parcels, sites, or other divisions of land for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, lease, rental, transfer of title to or interest in, any or all of such parcels, and shall include re-subdivision, and when appropriate to the context shall related to the process of subdividing of the land or territory subdivided.


6.         The word “COMMISSION” shall mean the Planning Commission of the Planning Department, County of Kauai.


7.         The words “PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM” shall mean the water system owned and operated by the Board.


8.         The words “SUBDIVISION WATER SYSTEM” shall mean the water system, to and within any subdivision, including mains, valves, hydrants, laterals, pumps, tanks, reservoirs and all appurtenances necessary to provide water and fire protection for such subdivision and, where necessary, sources of supply.


9.         The word “DIRECTOR” shall mean the person holding the office of the Planning Director of the Planning Department, County of Kauai.


10.        The term “FACILITIES RESERVE CHARGE” shall mean the fee to be paid by subdividers or, when applicable, new consumers as their proportionate share in improvements to the Department’s Water System.


11.        The word “MAIN” or “MAIN PIPE” shall mean the Department’s supply or distribution pipe to which service connections are made.


12.        The term “SERVICE CONNECTION” shall mean the main tap, pipe fittings, meter and valve from the water main to and including the shut-off valve on the consumer’s side of the meter.  




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